Tableland fish Stocking Society has spent years stocking the lake with mainly Barramundi and Sooty Grunter and Mangrove Jack (permit approved). TFSS plays an important role in our community as Fishing forms an integral part of our regions tourism promoting a healthy lifestyle. TFSS has been a leader in the development of stocking processes. TFSS has its own monitoring program to access the growth & conditions & relative survival of stocked fish with complimentary methods including electrofishing, members records, Fishing Apps and events like the Tinaroo Barra Bash, ABT & IGFA Fishing clinics. With the majority of fisherman practicing sustainable fishing, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to catch a fish. We have a great team of dedicated volunteers.
Tableland Fish Stocking Society- Lake Tinaroo, Atherton Tablelands.
Tinaroo is well known amongst fisherman for its Monster Barra, it currently holds 21 World Records (as of August 2024) with 1 Sooty Grunter caught by Brian Seawright-A Record 6.175kg
The “Barra Bash” as it is commonly called amongst locals. Initially a Fishing Exposition organised by the Walkamin Fisheries Centre with celebrity anglers to gauge the success of Stocking. In October 1987 the Atherton State School held the first 4AM Barra Bash. The main aim of TFSS was to monitor fish size and survival and improve Lake Tinaroo for all. These findings were then reported back to the government who provide some of our fish stocking funding through the Stocked Impoundment Permit scheme (SIPS) .
The Tinaroo Barra Bash is a huge event to organise and we have volunteer fatigue. We have a fresh committee who wants to try a members only Catch & Release Competition. For more info: click this link....
The Tableland Fish Stocking Society, a not for profit society and is maintained by Volunteers. We greatly appreciate sponsorship from local businesses to make this event possible. We ask you to please support these businesses wherever you can!

Funds raised at this event are used to purchase Barramundi, Sooty Grunter and hopefully in the next year Mangrove Jack for restocking and to maintain the Barrier Net, which is used in times of high rainfall as it provides a barrier to reduce the mass loss of fish over the dam’s wall. The Barrier Net was removed in November 2024 after having been in place for since 20th December 2023 by Kim Moss & the team @Uninet Cairns. Extensive Repairs had to be done due to the arrogant disregard by lake users. The Barrier net is a valuable resource and the only one in Queensland. The Barrier Net is deployed between Barrabadeen Point and Tinaroo Town. It has a 6 Knot limit within the 30 Metre buffer one. Essential Crossing Points are on the Northern and Southern end of the net approximately 20 metres from the shore.